Use "are we going to have to go through this again|be we going to have to go through this again" in a sentence

1. We have to do this faster or we're going to go insane.

2. So we made this box, and we tested it again and again and again, and we're going through multiple iterations to do these things.

3. We' re going to be busy again

4. If we go through the pollock, the next choice is probably going to be tilapia.

5. We might scare up gazelles, but we'll be going through buffalo country again.

6. We are not going to have this in our house.

7. So I'm going to have to borrow again.

8. Why are we surprised that we have been asked to go through fire and water?

9. And they are the ones who have decided then that look, we are not going to accept this, we are going to protest against this.

10. And once he moves through this, we will eventually be able to be okay again.

11. But we have to have these priority changes, we have to have infrastructure to go with this.

12. Is all of this, as we go digital, is it going to be public or private?

13. We have — we’re just going through the process.

14. I just have to get through the security firewall through the network, and then we should be good to go.

15. But I was certain that we were going to see this through to redemption.

16. “Here we go again,” Rachel mutters, loud enough to be heard.

17. If we are to go beyond nihilism we shall have to devise a strategy to examine this.

18. So your big plans fall through; are you going to go home sulk?

19. If we can give you conflicting data, again, your ACC is going to be going into hyperdrive.

20. Arguing with your mother highlights this feeling of worry and anxiety that you might have to feel loss again and acts as a warning that you might have to go through the pain again soon

21. And we have nothing to hold back, we are giving them information which is going through our normal channels.

22. Some of these chimneys, even we think, ugh, do we have to go back there again next year?

23. Because you are going to need them before we are through

24. Adamson's going to go bananas on this one.

25. Lewis, have the courage to go in there, because we are going to look after you every moment of it."

26. Does every guy have to go through all this to find out your name?

27. Are we going to brave the elements and go for a walk?

28. We have to do that again.

29. So we have three rational expressions here, and we're going to subtract this one, and we're going to add this one.

30. And therefor you have to go to a special school again.

31. How are we going to fit through a few small holes?

32. We are going to have to work on your excuses.

33. We are going to actually have to take them off."

34. Later, Pilate again tries to tell the people that he is going to let Jesus go free.

35. Looks like you're going to have to put it in a cast again.

36. " We are going to run away because Lola is so horrid to us and we want to go home.

37. Before we met again, both of us were to go through horrendous trials, repeatedly escaping death just by a hairbreadth.

38. We are about to commence reading through the Epistle of James again.

39. We have to keep dragging ourselves to our feet to peek out again and again, until we have a clear vision.

40. Are you going to let go?

41. Does this train go through to Glasgow?

42. Salad again? How long are you going to keep up this healthy eating lark?

43. You're not going to go storming in there like a bull in a china shop again?

44. I never imagined that it's going to go all around, it's going to spread around, and this last year we started in Panama and Brazil.

45. We have to go to the dorm.

46. You'll have to be strong-minded if you're going to push the changes through.

47. Beth will have to go through the tar.

48. I'm really glad I don't have to go back there again.

49. And I have my differential equations book from college, so I'm going to use that as we go.

50. Come on, we have to go.

51. We don't have to go straightaway, do we?

52. But I think this will go a long way in determining where we are going.

53. I know, it's a lot to remember, but let's just go through it again.

54. I never want to go through anything even remotely resembling our marriage ever again.

55. Just forward the shit on to Ken so we don't have to deal with this again.

56. Are we going to eat pretzels or are we going to eat?

57. 28 We usually go to France in the summer,( but this year we're going to Spain for a change.

58. But equally important, we are going to have to sleep on it.

59. We're going to be together again, isn't that so?

60. But why are you going through all this trouble to destroy her?

61. Yet again, we have failed to act decisively .

62. Once we have committed to this course of action there is no going back.

63. "We're going to be late again, " he said resignedly.

64. In this company you have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures just to get a new pencil.

65. I wouldn't gladly go through that unpleasant experience again.

66. We have to start programming all over again.

67. Effectively, we have to start again from scratch.

68. 13 Going through that rigmarole wouldn't protect what we have at all.

69. This arm's going to have to come off.

70. We have to go back to camp now.

71. We end up in the situation -- we have that scripted life that everybody seems to be living going up this ladder to nowhere.

72. I'm just going to glance over these documents, then we can go.

73. You're not going to nag me again, are you?

74. Here we go again - moan, moan, moan!

75. I'm worried this Ferragamo thing is not going to go away.

76. And so what this means is that we have to accept the risks if we are going to enjoy the benefits of science.

77. We have enjoyed talking to you through the pages of this brochure.

78. We are not going to bandy words. We just require you to vacate this room.

79. How is a consumer going to walk through this minefield?

80. You'd have a second chance, through my research, to live again.